4 Part Belly Fat Series

building muscle calorie deficit exercisetutorial fitness health coach healthy losing fat onlinepersonaltrainer toddlermoms weightloss wellness womenshealth womenshealthcoach May 14, 2024


Thank you for your interest this is a 4-part belly fat series! You do not want to miss any section of this!

The first section was explaining belly fat and why it can be so dangerous. I am a big believer in the more we can learn about a topic, the real truth about it. The more we can be successful in that topic! 

Episode one: The dangers of Belly Fat! 

Belly fat is one of the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a list of risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease. Those factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugars, and excess belly fat.

The more risk factors you have the greater your risk of stroke or diabetes.

Belly fat is a great indicator of overall health. You can check your BMI using any calculator online. 

18.5 is under weight

18.5-24.9 is healthy weight

25-29.9 is overweight

30+ is considered obese

Waist Circumferences are also a great indicator of health and belly fat! 

Men less than 37 Low

Women less than 31 low

Men 37-40 Moderate

Women 31-35 Moderate

Men 40+ high

Women 35 + high


Make sure to listen to the video for more detailed information! 

Episode 2: How to reduce Belly Fat! 3 Steps! 

There are more things we can include of course but these are going to move some serious rocks in your losing belly fat journey! 


1. Build muscle! Building muscle requires a lot of work and an increase in protein both of which will help build muscles and also reduce fat in the process. Protein burns more calories than any other macro and it also helps you stay fuller longer, making a calorie deficit easier!


2. Reduce or eliminate alcohol entirely. This one goes against my healthy lifestyle, you can make room for everything speech but hear me out. Alcohol contains 7 calories for every G, protein and carbs is only 4 calories and fats are 9. I hope that puts it into perspective for you. I believe eliminating or seriously reducing it entirely during a fat loss phase is the best idea.


3. You HAVE TO, ABOVE ALL ELSE. Be in a calorie deficit. I know we all want a quick hack but there are any. The quick hacks are actually doing the work by moving more, building muscle, eating enough protein, getting rest, and being in calorie deficit for weight loss!

Listen to the video to get the most out of this section! 

Episode 3: How to Prevent Belly Fat! 

1. Do not skimp on sleep. So many important things happen while we are asleep, sleep regulates out hunger cues, and other hormones and in order for us to be able to make healthy choices more easily sleep has to be under control. Aim for 7-9 hours a night.


2. Cut out the sugar drinks, having one can of soda is 150 calories BUT 60G of sugar. That is an insane amount of sugar to drink in an hour or less. Sugary drinks add so many of those sneaky calories we don't even consider. Just swap then out for less calorie drinks or at the minimum limit them.


3. Increase your fiber! By simply increasing your fiber it defaults you into making better food choices. Fiber helps you stay full is an amazing way to get more fruits, veggies, and whole foods! These 3 simple things you can start doing today! They cost nothing; it will actually probably save you money if you are not going through the drive through for our afternoon pick me up 3x a week! 


You do not need to go on a special diet or live in a special way. You need to relearn how to eat foods that are going to work for you and not against you!

Episode 4: Common Belly Fat Myths 

1. Why was exercise not included in this? Well, the first tip on how to reduce belly fat was to strength train. BUT most people want you to give them one specific exercise that is going to reduce belly fat and that does not exist.

2. When I don't eat carbs I lose on the scale really fast, is that belly fat? That is not belly fat, day to day scale fluctuations is common as is but reducing carbs will automatically make the scale go down because your body has less food and holds onto less water with lower carb diets. The scale only measures mass it does not measure what the mass is. Please remember that.

3. When I lose weight, I still don't have visible abs? That is because you do not have enough muscle to show abs, abs are like any other muscle. If you lose fat without strength training, you will lose muscle as well and abs are a muscle.

4. How can I get rid of my love handles? Well, we cannot decide what areas of our bodies we lose fat from and again there are no exercises that will reduce that. To lose your love handles you need to strength train and be in a calorie deficit to lose fat.


The basics will always work! Prioritize sleep, your steps, your strength workouts 2-4x week, protein, water, and being in a calorie deficit (for fat loss only, all other times maintenance cal)! I believe in you and if you want to cut out the guess work fill out my coaching app and I will get back to you with more information! 

Coaching APP, Click HERE


Have any questions about this or anything else, contact me here. 

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