Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

carbs coaching consistency education fitness health healthexpert healthtips macronutrients nutrition personal training womenshealth Aug 08, 2022


What to eat before and after a workout, can be so important to your performance. It is also important that I note this can be different for some people. But for 98% of people this is the way to go and if you need an outline to follow this would be it. It will be the most optimal for overall performance as well as recovery and strength gains, and fat loss.

So let's get started!

Pre-workout nutrition: I want to first note that you should be eating at least 30min before a workout. You don't want to be eating a banana as you walk to the squat rack. The food will do nothing for you. There is not enough time to digest and reap the benefits of the carbs/sugar and the food will just sit in your stomach throughout your workout making you uncomfortable. So, number one eating at least 30min to about 2 hours before a workout is great. Any longer than that then the same happens you are not going to benefit from a meal you had say 5-6 hours ago. Then mid-workout you will end up so hungry and that is equally as uncomfortable. You want to find a good window that will allow you to use what you ate for fuel but also not be so long ago that you have depleted that energy already. So, the 30min-2hr window seems to be the best for most.

So now let's get into what. Ideally, you want to eat a high in carb, fiber, and lower in protein meal. Carbs will give you the energy you need to perform at your best. You will be able to use those carbs for energy. Which will make for a better, stronger, more intense session. The fiber will help you feel fuller and stay fuller longer, with no hunger mid-workout. Protein is optional really if you want to include a small piece of protein that is fine, but it is not going to help or harm you.

Let's talk about the size of this meal, so this also depends on how soon you plan to eat so if you are eating 30min before your workout, a low-fat muffin, a banana, a piece of bread with some nut butter, a small amount of oatmeal, a carb focused bar. Something small, allowing for your body to absorb enough to fuel your body and not make you super full for your workout. If you are eating 1-2 hours before a workout a smaller snack/meal will be fine. The same food applies just larger, so two pieces of bread, a big fruit bowl, rice cakes with some jam on them, pretzels, dates, maybe a sweet potato, some oatmeal, and again carb-focused energy bars like cliff bars for example. You can find tons of other things these are just a few I can think of right now.

Okay so now that you have the pre-workout food in order let's talk about the post-workout.
Have you heard you have a 30 min window to consume protein after your workout, if not the workout is a waste, and you won't get the benefits of Well, that's mostly bullshit!
The truth is you do need to consume protein to begin the repair, and recovery, hence the building process of muscle building but you do not need to rush to your car and snort 60g of protein immediately or lose the "gains".

Some studies have shown that ideally about 30-40g of protein within about 1-2 hours of working out is the optimal amount for anyone. So that is it guys, I suggest a protein shake in your gym bag if you have errands to run and won't be able to eat in due time or if your next meal with your family or something isn't for another 2-3 hours then yeah go ahead have a small protein shake, then eat your meal later. But realistically most of us can just get away with eating a normal meal, 30g of protein (chicken, fish, turkey, beef), and a small number of carbs with some veggies. Just a normal meal.

Protein after as I already mentioned but I want to specify again because it is important, protein repairs our muscles. Which is what we need after a workout. When we work out we are tearing our muscle fibers down little by little and when they rebuild with proper nutrition and recovery, of course, they will grow back stronger and thicker, creating that muscle look. This is why it is so important to eat enough protein all day long. But it also won't be a waste of a workout if you can't get your protein in within that 1hour a few times here and there, come on now. Deep down you know that, but we use all these tricks to convince ourselves of why it isn't working and your lack of protein consumption at the end of your workout is not the reason. Tough love but I love you.

So that is it I think I babbled on long enough. That's the gist of it. Carbs 30min-2hr before a workout and protein about 1-3 hours after for optimal performance-based nutrition.

Be sure to check me out on YouTube for more in depth explanations around exercise and health. 

You can also find me on Instagram at Kendra Health & Wellness Coach (@presidential_fitness1) • Instagram photos and videos


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