What to do in your fitness routine for actual progress

consistency dumbbells education equipment fitness health programs trainer Jun 06, 2022

We have all heard the word consistency lately EVERYWHERE in the health and fitness space. But consistently doing what? And what does consistency even mean? For a week, a month, a year?
Consistently, working out.
Consistently, following your new favorite influencers workout routine.
Consistently, trying new things.
Consistently undereating.

There are a few things we need to be doing consistently and under eating, and over-training are not IT!
You need to consistently be following your plan, whatever that plan is! NOT big booty Jennifer's on IG (although I love big booty Jennifer) that is her plan and her body, and you are not going to look like her by doing her work out!

You need to find a plan that is SUSTAINABLE for you! Sustainability is equally, if not more important than consistency. If you cannot manage to sustain a program because it is so extremely well, there's your freaking consistency. Out the window! Figure out what you can realistically commit to and understand that due to your abilities and lifestyle it may take you a bit longer than others, but that is okay.

FOLLOW YOUR PLAN! (Plugging in my plans here :) but no seriously whatever the plan is just follow it for 6 months min. Give it 6 months, you can't say it is working if you haven't done it for 6 months consistently. And don't lie to yourself, you know damn well if you are not noticing changes in 6 months you can think back at the last 6 months and think of more than a handful of times you didn't follow it. Am I right? Don't lie to yourself, it just brings on more frustration. Own it and keep going and move on to do better. But you have to consistently be doing a plan.

Then most importantly you have to prioritize your water, sleep, movement, and protein. All of these things matter. You have to consistently be hitting these targets to create real lifestyle changes and then eventually lead you to the goals you are trying to reach. You do not need to be doing all of these at once to start, pick one or two you can be super consistent with and then build from there. 

I say this because I love you and I want you to succeed. Stop lying to yourself and do the damn work every day, every week, every month before you say well this doesn't work for me then hop into another program and spin my wheels there. Find what fits into your life and your lifestyle and be consistent at it!

Lastly, understand what health and "fit" looks like on you and means to you. Is going to be completely different than what it looks like for someone else. We are not all going to look the same because we do the same program. Understand just because you follow someone's program or a program someone else did does not mean you will look like them! Your body is amazing and focus on making it the best not someone else's best!

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