5 Ways to Jumpstart your Healthy Living Today!

coaching consistency health healthexpert healthtips nutrition personal training training weightloss womenshealth Jul 22, 2022

MY 5 TIPS TO JUMPSTART YOUR HEALTHY LIVING! Living a healthy life is so much more than following a specific meal plan or hitting your exercise goal on your apple watch! Am I right? Life gets busy, with work, school, children, spouses, events, and just LIFE! Start my simple 5 tips and start living a healthier life today!
1. WALK!! I know it's so simple, too good to be true. But it is true. Did you know that people who walk only 20 min a day have a higher life expectancy than those who do not get their steps in? If you're not walking at all now, I challenge you to start one 10 min walk a day!
2. DRINK WATER, and mostly zero-calorie drinks if you are drinking things other than water. Water is how you carry nutrients throughout your body, and also how it removes waste from your body. Not pooping frequently. YEAH, I know TMI. But that is your body's way of telling you, “Hey we got waste in here we can't get rid of, where's the water”? The rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces. More is fine, just try to hit that as a min.
3. Eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal. I know so, simple and grade school. “Eat your veggies”. Hear me out. If you make space for one fruit or one vegetable with every meal, then by the end of the day you will have all your servings, and bonus you will be too full to make bad choices. Let's face it, we make bad choices mostly when we are hungry and not full, and just want to feel satisfied.
4. Eat everything you like in moderation! If you like cookies, eat cookies. Do not set out to say okay I am starting X today so no more cookies. Then guess what when you have cookies again you will probably eat the entire pack. Instead, try to eat one cookie a day if you need to. One cookie has probably 60 calories, 10g c, 10g of sugar MAYBE. Do you think that is going to cause you harm? No inhaling 10 cookies on Friday night because you are so deprived is what causes you harm, and then guilt creeps in! NO THANKS. EAT THE COOKIE!
5. Stick to a consistent movement schedule. If you can aim to move 3 times a week consistently over an extended period of time, then guess what? Taking a week or two off for your family vacation is FINE. Taking the weekend off because it is your best friend's birthday, and she wants to go shopping and have dinner with you. That’s perfect! Do it. When we do things consistently, the minor change of course does not matter.
IT IS NOT ALL OR NOTHING! I hate to see us do this to ourselves. NO. We need to do what we can and allow ourselves to have grace and live a healthy life both mentally and physically. If your physical health is draining on your mental health. I promise you are not doing it right!
I hope this helps, Your trainer Kendra.

Have any questions about this or anything else, contact me here. 

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